The oldest is

This kind of pizza is the result of farmers who couldn’t even waste a gram of the flour they had obteined with hard work.
The more processed product was destined to markets, the raw part thst wasn’t sold was used at home or by bakers to test the ovens temperature to bake bread.
Bakers used to test the ovens themperature with a small bread dough layd by hand, that was eaten shortly after ,hot and cruncy.This is how the first PINSA was born (from latin ‘’pinsère’’ meaning crushed)
The history of this amazing product is also witnessed in the book of Virgil’s Aeneid where the arrival of Aeneas is narrated in Lazio who came hungry and exhausted from the long journey welcomed by the Latin king and his daughter Lavinia.
To welcome and refresh the travellers, they were offered local products accompanied by large, not round but elongated focaccias.
Virgil tells about it like a poor meal, with raw flour, not processed but with unique flavor.
The Pinsa today from a simple baker’s pizza has become the product that encloses the tradition and history of the culinary contaminations that Rome had while enlarging its empire.
The Pinsa we know today is therefore the result of history. Not having a specific recipe, because as mentioned before, it was a flattened and stretched piece of dough, any type of flour that was available was used.
From dough made with raw flour, La Pinsa lent itself to changing its recipe, adding new cereals that were imported into Rome.
Today the pinsa has a specific recipe and manufacturing process, which characterize the lightness, taste and crunchiness of this product, unknown to many until a few years ago but which today has become an absolute protagonist of Italian cuisine.

La pizza in

Dating back to the 70s and 80s, typical of takeaways, it is the symbol of true popular Roman fast food and of the city’s economic recovery.
The rotisseries, in fact, were born to meet the needs of people who by now frequently dined away from home for work.
Why not give the pleasure of a hot pizza to eat even in the office or while walking?
It is crunchy and at the same time melts in the mouth, due to the high percentage of water in the dough.
The “Pizza tonda Romana”

It was born in the 1950s: the post-war period marked the boom of neighborhood taverns where you could enjoy pizza away from home without spending too much money with very simple equipment and drinking cask wine.
At the beginning it was not a quality product but, starting from the 70s and up to the present day, it has become a product of excellence.
Thin, without a crust, very crumbly and crunchy, these are the caratheristics for a Romana Doc round pizza.